It is quite awesome to make money from internet. Why not get paid from home doing online jobs without any investment?
There are millions of website that offers online jobs, but most of the websites ask us for investment or they may not be genuine.
So here we give some list of genuine online part time jobs which is most trusted and also high paying part time jobs most suitable for college students without any investment.
You can make money from internet with whatever skill you have
Before starting any online jobs you should know and aware of online data entry scam and quick rich scheme there is a junk of sites which is offering fake opportunities and cheating peoples you may have faced this issue in past. But here we are going to provide some genuine and trusted online jobs for college students where you can find and apply for legitimate online jobs for students without registration fees.
1- Freelancing
Freelancing let you to make money from the skills you to you. There are several legitimate freelancing companies, who hire a freelancer to do their jobs. You can find a wide variety of online part time jobs in such freelancing websites. Click here to know more about freelancing and freelancing websites
2- Article Writing
If you have English knowledge and if you are able to write articles and content on various topic on which you have good knowledge like education, health, jobs, parenting, science, technology gadgets and many more then there is some article writing sites where you will be rewarded for write article check some trusted article writing sites below.
3: Ptc Sites (Paid to click)
It is a way of getting money without any sort of skill. You will be paid for your every click, only necessary thing is that you should spend some time to get money. Click here to know more about PTC
4: Online Tutoring
If you have skill in teaching and coaching students in a specified topic, try these websites.
5: Paid Survey
Answer few questions to make money from home. You can participate in market survey, to make small amount of money from your leisure time. It is quite easy to participate in online surveys. Click here to know more about paid surveys and survey panels where you can make earnings.
6: YouTube Channel
It is known that YouTube is the world no 1 video sharing website .You could get great earnings from YouTube by uploading videos. All you need is to create a YouTube channel and monetize it with Google AdSense click here to know more.
7: Captcha
CAPTCHA entry job is the simplest work that you could do from home at your leisure time. You could earn around 200$ (Rs.10, 000) a month by working in your free time.
You could earn $1 - $2 for 1000 CAPTCHA. Although earning is not very good but the job is simple.
Click here to know more Captcha typing jobs and some websites that provide captcha typing job.
8: Affiliate jobs
Affiliate program is a way of promoting a market product and getting paid for your promotion. Register into their affiliation portal and get the product Banner or promotion link. Place this banners and product link in your blog or website or mobile App. You can earn 4 % to 16% commission from each sale that happened by clicking the promotion banners on your blog or website. You can also monetize clicks and sale done through your promotion banner through their affiliation web portal.
Click here to know more about affiliation program
9- Web Testing
Web Testing is not as simple as jobs mentioned above, but web testing let you make a greater amount of income. In this job you will be given few websites, your job is to navigate through website and report potential bugs or errors that occurred while you were navigating through the website. Click here to know more about Web Testing
10- Designing
If you have good skill in composing images or creating videos, this is the right one for you. There are several logo designing or book cover editing or t-shirt designing jobs are available. If you are passionate about these creative works, you can spend some time designing to make extra money. Logo designing and intro video making jobs are highly paid jobs in this category.
11- Blogging
In this decade most of the people are interested in blogging. Why not make money from what you really do? Blogging is quite easy and it is a way of posting interesting stuff on internet. Simply blogging will not let you to make money. You have place ads to make money from your blogs. You can either monetize it with Google AdSense or through affiliate marketing. Try to start a blog with unique. Having a unique topic let you to increase traffic, Thus increasing your income.